I was very surprised yesterday, all the tanks were sold out in less than three hours. The rant about Lion is, however, true and I agree with it. This rabble is the same as the CV haters in World of Warships – game is fun only when they dominate, any hard counter and they go crazy. I’m really fed up with this bullshit – suppose WG listens and removes arty, how does one counter the N hulldown monsters that make the game such a smelly clogged toilet? Weakspots? When 95% of them don’t have any to begin with, or they are so small that hitting one is like winning the lottery?Īrtillery has already been neutered hard anyway, again for no other reason than to please the Chieftain mains who suffer a stroke whenever they lose hitpoints. I question how skilled and informed people who claim artillery should be removed are. It’s a cycle but the new player experience is long past the point of no return and the effort required to improve it is far more complicated than the effort required to keep existing players interested. So they focus on releasing content that pretty much only experienced players can take part it. They have to rely on old players not leaving the game, and they know that. WG made the new player experience so unbearable that it’s basically impossible for them to get new players that will stick to the game anymore. The lion costs a lot of resources for me but there is nothing else for me to spend these resources on, and I got the vehicle for no amount of paid currency.
I have no use for free xp or blueprints, I don’t need credits because I don’t spam gold ammo or food so I make a profit most battles, and I think a unique vehicle is a much better use of bonds than a 25% improved equipment that’s basically locked to the tank you use it on. I have litteraly every tech tree vehicle researched, I havent played a single game in the new chinese HTs and they’re almost all down to 0xp now by just showing up and playing the game because the blueprint mechanic ruined the game’s progression and made it too easy.
People who bought the lion for full gold are dumbasses but a lot of people had the opportunity to actually get it for free, especially veterans of the game with nothing else to do. These are the major problems from what I can remember off the top of my head and this list will just expand over time thanks to the community. If WG wouldn’t want to make everything new Pay2Progress, Crew 2.0 could be already out with a lot of great additions.

This is why they removed it in the first place) long slug feasts just like it always does. (Remember they remade Province 3 times, but the changes they implemented are almost useless. Bringing back Province when there are better maps to bring back like South Coast, Swamp, Sacred Valley, Windstorm.We still have not received those changes yet. Added new maps, turns out they are unbalanced and said they would implement new changes to them.Said they will rework these maps and dropped half of them completely soon after. Forcing Arty down our throats with missions for the 2nd campaign.And arguably made them worse than their original versions. Not removing arty when they had the chance.(It weren’t \”interesting\” enough or not enough tanks so \”no more tanks.\” apparently) Hinted at and then proceeded to drop the European tech tree.Added fake tanks to fill the gaps for almost all nations.Adding “copy” premiums that are better than their original freemium versions.Added the British LTs to the game despite how bad they are.The top tier French wheeled LTs are broken (everything is fine below tier 8, but the tier 8 premium and the tier 10 tech tree one is broken).The 3-5-7 rule and the MM rule rework made a lot of tanks out of meta.Failed to deliver the Chinese tech tree rework as well.Nearly killed the possibility of an American tech tree rework.Panzerwagen line still suffers to this day.) Failed to completely deliver the German tech tree rework.moved to tier9 and removing the SU-122-54) The Soviet tech tree rework and the debacles that came afterward.

(stood up against the Chrysler GF which was hilariously broken at the time) Overpowered tech tree/reward vehicles.(Skorpion G, Defender, Chrysler GF, Progetto mod.46, OBJ.

I have a long list of problems which is piling up for years and years that I would like to share to remember: